Work with Prisoners

From the inception of the Vedic Priests have been visiting the prisons providing ministry to those in detention and imprisoned. In 1925 the government also recognised the credibility of the APS and accepted its nominated preachers to hold services in all the prisons every Sunday just as Christian preachers did.

Today this project to offer ministering services to inmates at the Correctional Services continues and under the label Umuntu Omusha (A New Man) – a 20 Lesson, six- month long Course, that embraces teachings from all faiths and includes material which can broadly be termed “life orientation.” The four modules are as follows, viz. Restoring self- respect and self-esteem; Anger management; Prayer; Transforming your life, and Habits for success. Each module comprises four two hour lessons.

The Umuntu Omusha Course material was researched and compiled by retired post graduate educators who are also priests. The aim of the Course is to stimulate positive thinking amongst participants, whilst building their self-confidence and self-esteem simultaneously. A key focus of the Course is Meditation and Prayer.  The rationale is that if a person is at peace with himself, there is a good chance he will be at peace with his external world, hence the large emphasis on prayer, reflection and meditation.

Arya Samaj
South Africa,
87 Harbottle Road,
South Africa
Tel: 031 267 0544/0519
PBO No. 18/11/13/2971

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