THE HEAL FOUNDATION

“H.E.A.L” is the acronym for the Arya Samaj South Africa’s “Humanitarian, Environmental and Animal Liberation activities. The Heal Foundation is an integral organ of the Arya Samaj which advances its cause of doing good to the world by promoting the physical, spiritual and social welfare of every sentient being. The Arya Samaj subscribes to its famous 10 Principles, of belief in God, benevolence, altruism and the alleviation of the suffering of fellow man. These 10 Principles are a blueprint for development of an individual as well as society.

                                                                                                   KEY OBJECTIVES

  • To protect, promote and provide for the spiritual and social welfare of all people regardless of race, gender, caste, language or sexual orientation.
  • To protect and promote a healthy and sustainable environment by encouraging environmentally friendly green and organic lifestyle habits, creating awareness and educating communities on the broader benefits of such lifestyles which heals the planet as well as preserves and saves our natural resources.
  • To protect, promote and advocate the wellbeing, respect and humane treatment of all animals, birds and other such creatures, whether wild, stray or domesticated
  • To advocate among others, the equal human rights and dignity of all, regardless of race, gender, caste, creed or sexual orientation.
  • To encourage and promote a vegetarian lifestyle due to its health and moral benefits, both physically, mentally and spiritually, based on natural and Vedic scientific reasoning and evidence.

The HEAL Foundation has been actively involved in supporting communities during the Covid -19 lockdown. Some of the key initiatives                                                                                                                      that took place:

                                                                                                 FEEDING SCHEME

                   Provided over 30 000  meals to different communities throughout the lock down, through various campaigns held over a period.

                                                                                             HAMPER DISTRIBUTION

                                   Over 800 hampers distributed to members of the community that were in dire need of assistance

                                                                                              MASKS AND SANITIZERS

           Over 4000 masks and over 300 sanitisers were distributed to communities and patients at hospitals. Masks were donated from various
                                       individuals and many were hand-stitched by Swami Maitreyi at the Narain Jeawon Vedic Centre

                                                                                                  ANIMAL WELFARE

                                                                    Donation of dog food and blankets were made to the SPCA


                                     For more info or to join us – email us on he**************@gm***.com for any further details you may require

Arya Samaj
South Africa,
87 Harbottle Road,
South Africa
Tel: 031 267 0544/0519
PBO No. 18/11/13/2971

Should you have any queries about the products on sale or your purchase please write to us here

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