The Arya Samaj SA, a faith based Hindu organisation, has been offering ministering services to inmates at the Correctional Services facilities in Durban Central, Westville, Pietermaritzburg and Umzinto for over fifty years. Priests of the Vedic religion (commonly called Hinduism) from the Arya Samaj SA have rendered pastoral care and counselling services to inmates of the Hindu faith over the years.
As the number of Hindu offenders at the Correctional Services facilities declines, the Arya Samaj SA has recognised the need to amend its offering to include all faiths. The result has been the creation of a 20 Lesson, six- month long Course, titled, Umuntu Omusha (‘A new man’), that embraces teachings from all faiths and includes material which can broadly be termed “life orientation.” The four modules are as follows, viz. Restoring self- respect and self-esteem; Anger management; Prayer; Transforming your life, and Habits for success. Each module comprises four two hour lessons.
The Umuntu Omusha Course material has been researched and compiled by retired post graduate educators who are also priests, and a doctoral candidate. The aim of the Course is to stimulate positive thinking amongst participants, whilst building their self-confidence and self-esteem simultaneously. An entire module of four lessons is dedicated to the important issue of anger management, bitterness and resentment. The last module of the Course empowers participants with some practical skills and gives them an insight into making the right choices. New perspectives on life will provide legitimate options to participants to achieve success in their lives once they have served their sentences and left the Correctional facility.
It is understandable that many participants have a low self-esteem, harbour much anger and resentment, lack conflict resolution skills, feel hopeless and ill equipped to earn an honest living upon their release from the Correctional facility. The Course aims to address these handicaps and delve into the inner lives of the offenders. A key focus of the Course is Meditation and Prayer. The rationale is that if a person is at peace with himself, there is a good chance he will be at peace with his external world, hence the large emphasis on prayer, reflection and meditation. The steps in petitioning a higher force to come to the aid of a person in distress are covered in the Prayer module.
The Course has been specifically designed to be largely secular, and embraces the teachings of three major faiths, viz. Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. Where there is a need to quote scriptural references to illustrate and consolidate a particular teaching, such quotations are taken from the religious texts of these three major faiths.
The Course is designed to be interactive, with the offender being encouraged to participate actively in the class discussions. Facilitators will be more motivational and seek to draw out contributions from participants, rather than be seen to be ‘giving lectures.’ Group Activities form an integral part of the Lesson. Every Lesson has group activities with specific outcomes, which involve all participants in class. Inmates have described the course as very beneficial.

Five Arya Samaj priests have been accredited to preach and conduct spiritual services to prisoners at the Westville Correctional Services.